Mastering SwiftUI’s FullScreenCover using Enum: Demystifying the Auto-Open and Close Mystery on iOS 16
Image by Daelyn -

Mastering SwiftUI’s FullScreenCover using Enum: Demystifying the Auto-Open and Close Mystery on iOS 16

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Are you tired of struggling with SwiftUI’s FullScreenCover, only to find it stuck open or closing unexpectedly on iOS 16? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of enums and FullScreenCover, and uncover the secrets to harnessing this powerful feature. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

What’s the fuss about FullScreenCover?

FullScreenCover is a SwiftUI view that presents a full-screen modal view, allowing users to interact with it without leaving the current view. Sounds simple, right? Well, things get tricky when you try to implement it using enums, which is where the magic happens. With enums, you can elegantly manage the presentation and dismissal of FullScreenCover, but it requires a subtle understanding of how SwiftUI works under the hood.

The Enum Conundrum

Enums are a powerful tool in Swift, allowing you to define a set of named values. In the context of FullScreenCover, enums can be used to determine the presentation state of the modal view. However, when used incorrectly, enums can lead to unexpected behavior, such as the FullScreenCover staying open or closing automatically.

enum FullScreenCoverState {
    case show
    case hide

In the above example, we’ve defined an enum called `FullScreenCoverState` with two cases: `show` and `hide`. This enum will be used to control the presentation state of our FullScreenCover.

Understanding the Problem: Auto-Open and Close Issues

When using enums with FullScreenCover, you might encounter two common issues:

  • Auto-Open Issue: The FullScreenCover opens unexpectedly, even when you haven’t triggered it.
  • Auto-Close Issue: The FullScreenCover closes unexpectedly, before you’ve had a chance to interact with it.

These issues arise due to SwiftUI’s internal state management and the way enums interact with it. Fear not, dear reader, for we’ll explore the solutions to these problems in the following sections.

Solving the Auto-Open Issue

To prevent the FullScreenCover from opening automatically, you need to ensure that your enum is initialized correctly. Here’s an example:

@State private var fullScreenCoverState = FullScreenCoverState.hide

var body: some View {
    Button("Show FullScreenCover") {
        fullScreenCoverState = .show
    .fullScreenCover(isPresented: .constant(fullScreenCoverState == .show)) {

In this example, we’ve initialized the `fullScreenCoverState` property with the `.hide` case. This ensures that the FullScreenCover is initially closed. When the button is tapped, the `fullScreenCoverState` is set to `.show`, triggering the FullScreenCover to open.

Solving the Auto-Close Issue2>

To prevent the FullScreenCover from closing automatically, you need to ensure that your enum is updated correctly when the user interacts with the modal view. Here’s an example:

struct FullScreenCoverView: View {
    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode

    var body: some View {
        Button("Close FullScreenCover") {

In this example, we’ve used the `@Environment` property wrapper to inject the `presentationMode` environment value into our `FullScreenCoverView`. When the user taps the close button, we call `dismiss()` on the `presentationMode` to close the FullScreenCover.

Putting it all Together: A Working Example

Now that we’ve solved the auto-open and auto-close issues, let’s create a working example that demonstrates the power of enums with FullScreenCover:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var fullScreenCoverState = FullScreenCoverState.hide

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Show FullScreenCover") {
                fullScreenCoverState = .show
            .fullScreenCover(isPresented: .constant(fullScreenCoverState == .show)) {

struct FullScreenCoverView: View {
    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Welcome to FullScreenCover!")
            Button("Close FullScreenCover") {

In this example, we’ve created a `ContentView` that presents a `FullScreenCoverView` when the button is tapped. The `FullScreenCoverState` enum is used to control the presentation state of the FullScreenCover. When the user interacts with the modal view, the enum is updated correctly, ensuring that the FullScreenCover opens and closes as expected.

Bonus Tips and Tricks

To take your SwiftUI skills to the next level, here are some bonus tips and tricks to keep in mind:

Tips and Tricks
Use a separate enum for each FullScreenCover instance to avoid conflicts.
Use `@StateObject` instead of `@State` when working with complex data models.
Use `DispatchQueue.main.async` to ensure that your enum updates are performed on the main thread.
Test your app on different iOS versions to ensure compatibility.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demystified the auto-open and auto-close issues associated with SwiftUI’s FullScreenCover using enums. By following the instructions and examples provided, you should now have a solid understanding of how to harness the power of enums with FullScreenCover. Remember to keep it simple, keep it elegant, and always keep practicing!

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most pressing SwiftUI conundrums!

Why does my SwiftUI fullScreenCover keep opening and closing automatically on iOS 16?

This annoying issue is likely due to a bug in iOS 16. SwiftUI’s fullScreenCover is triggered by a state change, and if your enum is not correctly handled, it can cause the cover to open and close repeatedly. Check your enum declaration and ensure that it’s not triggering the state change unnecessarily.

How do I prevent the fullScreenCover from opening and closing automatically?

To prevent the automatic opening and closing, you need to ensure that your enum is only updated when necessary. You can achieve this by using a separate @State variable to control the presentation of the fullScreenCover, and only updating the enum when the user interacts with the sheet.

Can I use a Boolean value instead of an enum to control the fullScreenCover?

Yes, you can definitely use a Boolean value to control the fullScreenCover. In fact, using a Boolean can be a simpler and more straightforward approach. However, if you need to present multiple sheets or handle different states, an enum can provide more flexibility and readability.

Is this issue specific to SwiftUI or is it an iOS 16 bug?

After digging deep, it seems that this issue is specific to the combination of SwiftUI and iOS 16. Other versions of iOS don’t exhibit this behavior, and it’s likely a bug that will be addressed in future updates.

Will Apple fix this issue in future updates?

Fingers crossed! Apple is continually working on improving SwiftUI and iOS. While there’s no official word on a fix, it’s likely that this issue will be addressed in a future update. Keep an eye on the official Apple documentation and SwiftUI releases for updates.